Customer Readiness Package

Ready to get started with ProjectMark? Let's go!

At ProjectMark, we implement in minutes not months. In an effort to get you launched as soon as you're ready, we've created the Customer Readiness Package. We're committed to meeting you where you're at, whether your data already lives in another CRM or if this is your first time consolidating your data: we're here to help!

The following customer readiness package was created with the intent of getting you started as quickly as you'd like. This resource is available to assist in organizing your data ahead of our first meeting (kick-off). These are nice to have, but not necessary to complete before Kick Off. No matter when you start, we are here to get you to the finish line! 


Click here if you already have a CRM or other system of record solution (like Salesforce or Unanet) that you will be implementing data from

Click here if you will be implementing data into ProjectMark from spreadsheets (Excel etc.)

Click here if you have no data storage solution and will be starting from scratch!