Feature Release: User & Office Permission Settings

We've released new settings for user permissions as well as added office and team functionality within ProjectMark.

We're excited to share more information about our newest release; updated user permission and office settings. Check out our video here to see more!

When navigating to Global Settings in your ProjectMark account, there is now an updated left hand side bar showing "User & Office Management". From there, admins are able to manage user permissions, office management, and office permissions.

User Permissions: We now offer admin, editor, or read-only access to users within ProjectMark. Users are also able to add specific user permissions by module as well (CRM, Design+ etc.). 

Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 9.16.23 AM

Office Management: In ProjectMark you are now able to create multiple offices depending on your teams separation (such as an LA and SF office). You can separate users to their respective offices to ensure everyone's information is streamlined. You can also create teams within Offices. For example, your Marketing team may only need access to Design+ & DAM, so that teams settings would be editor for Design+ & DAM. 

Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 9.16.29 AM

Office Permissions: Now, you can easily view office and team permission settings across all modules to easily adjust permissions to suit your needs. 

Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 9.16.16 AM

Feedback, Questions, or Concerns? Visit support.projectmark.com or email mstrong@projectmark.com.