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Feature Release; Financial Modal

We're proud to share the release of our Financial tab! Read below to learn more.

Our Financial Tab is a standalone section to record specific financial information like budget costs, project financial costs, and digest information. Along with separating general bid information, contacts, team planning, tasks, notes, and files, creating a standalone Financial Tab makes it much easier to record and digest information.

Our financial tab allows for the ability to record multiple different key financial metrics without getting lost in the previous format. Users can now record multiple Cost Centers or Contracts per Opportunity per Project, like a PreCon Contract and a Construction Contract! Our Financial tab also allows for cleaner integrations with other software like accounting & ERP software (COMING SOON!).

The Financial Tab is split into 3 different default sections; 

Budget costs

Financial Overview Information 

Profitability Info

Our financial tab also includes the Project Value Modifier. Any data field can be set as the Project Value Modifier by hovering your mouse over the desired financial data field and selecting the available option. Whichever data field is set as the Project Value Modifier will carry over into the Overview tab as "Project Value", see our video below for details!



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