Design+ Overview

Design+ combines an AEC-specific smart content management system to allow users to leverage historical data to create best-in-class bid proposals, SOQ brochures, and general marketing collateral.

How can I access Design+ to create content (RFP, Brochure, or Resume)?
From the ProjectMark dashboard, access the Proposals sections. Click on the “+” icon, give a title to your new proposal and select the Design+ option to begin creating content.

How can I access my company information inside Design+?
To access a template that already exists within ProjectMark, select Templates and then select the template to replace your blank document. Click on the Contents tab to access all your company, projects, and team member information. Contents is where the information from Team, Resumes, and Projects lives, allowing seamless integration across all your documents.

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How do I save my files?
Design+is a cloud-based tool, so your files are automatically saved according to your progress. If you want to save specific pages, templates, project case studies, or resumes, click on the “save” icon and chose a location in the folder structure. Depending on the type of collateral you are saving (project case study, resume, or template), you will be guided through different steps as appropriate.