Customer Readiness Package: Exporting from a CRM solution

See below for instructions on exporting your data from various CRM/data storage solutions. Please export only information you’d like to carry over into ProjectMark! Don’t forget to export contacts/companies, won bids, and current bids in your pipeline. If your system also stores historical projects, feel free to export those as well. 

Exporting data from Salesforce * Your CSM can help with exporting from Salesforce as well!

Exporting data from Hubspot

Exporting data from Cosential

Exporting data from OpenAsset

Once your data is exported, submit it to your Customer Success Manager. At your next meeting, you will go through a mapping exercise to ensure your data is properly mapped in ProjectMark. At this meeting you will also determine the field types for each of your custom fields (such as dropdown, single line text field, etc.). After mapping is confirmed, your first data iteration will be uploaded for testing!